How to Cancel Your Old Registered Agent

How to cancel registered agents and appoint us as your registered agent in Delaware.

Cancelling registered agent service with your old company can vary. Your old registered agent is going to want to see proof that they are not currently acting as your registered agent if you are cancelling with them. They have a legal responsibility to be your registered agent until you cancel registered agents by filing the change of agent form.

So if you just email them and tell them you want to cancel, that probably won’t work out too good for you. We usually get a few calls a day from people wanting to change registered agents to us after they got shocked with a big invoice for Delaware registered agent service. We REALLY see this happen when people incorporate online with some website, and then get a random big bill for registered agent service. There are a lot of websites out there that offer free registered agent service for 6 months, and then send you a monster bill for registered agent service once they have you hooked. It’s really just bad business, and it makes people want to cancel registered agents.

The good news is that it’s super easy to change registered agents to us. Once you’ve done that, just print out a screenshot of the Delaware Division of Corporations website showing us as your registered agent, and send that to your old registered agent with a copy of their invoice telling them that you have officially cancelled service with them and changed to us.

Here’s a how to guide to changing registered agents to us:   How to change my registered agent.